Friday, March 15, 2013

Oh the bathroom

The bathroom is coming along. Not as quickly as we had hoped. We foolishly thought the whole renovation would take about 2-3 weekends with some work during the week. Well this week we didn't get much done as we had hoped, I don't know about you guys out there, but this whole springing forward thing has really gotten to me.

I'm the type of person that does not like to get up a different times even on the weekend, let alone reschedule my entire week! So, I've been a zombie all week and the thought of working on the bathroom once I get home from work is not my idea of fun. That being said, we still have spent some time working up there throughout the week after working really hard all last weekend, just not as much as we had planned.

Tile Shovel
[Here I am shoveling tile out of the tub]

We were able to get the toilet and the sink re-installed last weekend after clearing out the rest of the tile, so we moved our bedroom back upstairs. I'm not sure if I mentioned that we had spent the last three weeks sleeping in our guest room on the first floor while the upstairs bath was out of commission. I felt homesick, even though we were just down stairs, I wasn't in my room and I didn't like it! Call me a baby if you must!

The drywall is up and I put on several coats of joint compound. It is ready to be sanded and painted [cross your fingers that gets done tonight]. The concrete board is up around the tub and ready to be tiled [cross your fingers that happens tomorrow morning].

Bathroom renovation 2
[Toilet where it belongs]

And finally we have the somebody coming to refinish the tub bright and early on Monday morning! So, come Tuesday, we should be showering upstairs again in our shiny new bathroom. *fingers crossed* *knock on wood*

Other projects happening around the house might surprise you [I say this because they surprise me]. What surprises me the most is that there ARE other projects going on at the same time as a bathroom remodel and they aren't small! What happened was that I decided last Saturday that I wanted to knock down a non-structural wall in the unfinished basement and then semi-finish the two rooms into one large TV room. So, we did just that. We took a sledgehammer to the wall [that I never quite understood why existed in the first place] and the wall is no longer. We still have a lot of work to do to make it finished, but it already looks so much bigger! I'm very excited about it!

Basement wall destruction
[The aftermath of the wall demo]

We're hoping to get some work done in the basement over the weekend too and finish this project up over the next few weekends! Hopefully before April, because our month of April is booked solid with events on nearly every weekend!

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