Thursday, November 15, 2012

High Expectations

Wow, I had such high expectations for keeping this blog up daily. But, as you all can see.... that has not happened! At first, I had a bunch of posts already typed up because they were my way of venting through the whole house purchasing process. Once those were all posted I was out of time [not out of ideas]. We have a lot of things going on right now and I'm not complaining in the least, but just not enough time to type up posts about it.

I promise to catch up slowly but surely. First, lets go back to Halloween!

Matt and I were so excited about the prospect of 100s of trick-or-treaters coming to our house on Halloween. It was the first time in my life that I had lived in a neighborhood and thought that for sure we would have tons of little cuties come by. So we got all dressed up, hung our decorations and waited.

[Brady loves getting dressed up!]

I cut out black bats out of construction paper and hung them from our porch. Then put up spider web all over with tiny spiders and one big spider [upper left]. We also had a skeleton with a headstone [lower left].

Outside Halloween Decor

I also found this neat idea for making creepy monster eyes in bushes around the house. What you're supposed to do is cut out eye shapes in toilet paper rolls and put glow sticks in them. Then place them around in your yard. Unfortunately, either we did not get strong enough glow sticks or our bushes were not in dark enough areas, either way you couldn't see the eyes and we just had to pick up 15 or so toilet paper rolls the next day.

We ended up getting about 30 trick-or-treaters, a few less than we were hoping and a few more college students than we were hoping. But my heart was about to burst a couple times when some toddlers came up and said "trick-or-treat"!

We think that maybe next year there will be a few more, this year might have been less because of tropical storm Sandy. Oh and next year we will have a bowl of licorice for the college kids [evil grin].

Friday, November 2, 2012

Last Chance Survey

Hi all! I hope everybody is doing well. We have a lot to catch up on! First, I want to say that Matt and I were very fortunate and did not have very much damage left behind by Hurricane Sandy. Our storm door on the front of the house was pulled away from the door frame and split the wood, but very minor. It is still functioning, we just need to make sure we shut it all the way.

Other than that we were very lucky to have power the entire time and no major flooding! Our thoughts go out to those who were not so lucky.

On a brighter note, I though I would take a quick survey that I saw on
one of the blogs that I frequent:

Last Chance Survey:

1. Last food you ate?  I'm currently eating my breakfast at work in front of my computer while checking email (and blogs). I'm having some delish oatmeal with: milk, dried cranberries, sliced almonds, a little almond extract, a little vanilla extract and some brown sugar (yum).

2. Last beverage you drank? Water, as a matter of fact I need a little more right now [runs down to the water cooler. okay I'm back]

3. Last workout? This morning I ran to the gym and did the elliptical, while being teased by another gym goer about being an economist. He is a hilarious older gentlemen who likes to pick on all people equally, today was my day. haha! All in good fun-I teased right back.

4. Last thing you pinned? Probably a blog post? I haven't been pinning much lately.

5. Last text message you sent? Last night I sent Stefanie a picture of our brand new living room chairs that we got "as-is" from pottery barn. I loved them in the store, but LOVED them even more when I saw them in our living room. I think the text went something like: "Ahhhhh I love them so much"
6. Last blog you visited? Colleen's at the lunchbox diaries, she is always good for a laugh :)

7. Last tweet you sent? I don't tweet

8. Last place you visited? Bethlehem for the Runner's World Half :)

9. Last time you did ab work? This morning! Plank for 75 seconds! and a couple crunches [ouch!]

10. Last show you watched? Modern Family (DVRed it because it is on past my bedtime) Love that show, it always makes me laugh until I cry!

11. Last thing you baked? During the Hurricane Matt and I decided that we needed some chocolate chip cookies to make it through the storm. We also figured that if the power went out, being stuck with chocolate chip cookie dough would not have been the worst thing in the world :)

Hurricane Sandy Survivor Kit

12. What is the last thing you instagrammed? I don't instagram.

13. Last item on your to-do list today? The thing is, my to-do list is so long I don't even know where it ends. With a house that is a work in progress there is always a never ending to-do list. We are trying to get some extra work done around the house, because my in-laws are coming to town next weekend [I'm so excited!!]. So I would have to say that it is probably something that involves cleaning, hanging pictures, or putting in hardwood floor in the office [yah know, all the normal stuff you do when family comes to visit!]

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!